Accelerate Your Flight Training
Master flight maneuvers before getting in the cockpit with TakeFlight’s fully-interactive AI Flight Instructor.
This is Seriously Immersive Simulation!
TakeFlight’s unique combination of game design, AI and data analytics deliver high-quality, self-guided, fully-interactive training. Real-time instruction, dynamic feedback and objective scoring keep you engaged and driving toward mastery. Our short and quickly repeatable scenarios maximize training time – so you become a better pilot in less time, at greatly reduced cost.
How it Works
TakeFlight Academy is an instructional overlay that runs on all major simulation platforms. Our easy-to-use interface provides an on-sim curriculum to help you get the most out of your training time and investment.
Every lesson begins with a detailed briefing.
When you select a Training scenario, TakeFlight loads the simulator with the aircraft pre-configured, pre-positioned, and ready to start the maneuver.
While flying, your Virtual Flight Instructor provides verbal instructions and real-time feedback that specifically addresses your moment by moment performance.
Training scenarios are graded with detailed objective scoring, showing exactly how you’ve done and where you can improve. Our scenarios are short and highly repeatable, so you can fly maneuvers rapidly and as often as desired to reach mastery quickly.
Our unique Training > Evaluation > Challenge paradigm drives engagement and focus on learning while adding an element of fun to your training. Fun challenges encourage replay-ability, which promotes enhanced skill development and proficiency.
User Testimonials
“We have found that the program is extremely beneficial to the new pilot, and in fact we recommend that TFI be used with new students before they ever enter into an aircraft. I truly believe that your product is the key to moving forward with simulator training changing the landscape of how we train aviators.”
“TakeFlight is the fastest, simplest way to learn the basics.”
“TakeFlight is a new and innovative flight training tool that is transforming the way we do flight training. It is showing the way to greater efficiency, effectiveness, adaptability.”
“TakeFlight is an impressive platform for flight training. The AI engine and courseware model provides a quantum leap over current training tools. Their replacement for scarce and expensive instructor time, and an additional tool for the flight instructor, will surely have a strong positive impact on the economics and efficacy of training. I see applications from ab initio through professional training, retraining, and skill development. I can resoundingly say I wish I had this facility when I first began my career in aviation.”
“TakeFlight is a revolutionary flight training facility that is radically changes the availability and effectiveness of flight training. This is especially true for traditionally under-served individuals and communities where it will bring impressive new talent to aviation that otherwise would never had access to flight training or aviation careers.”
“I believe TakeFlight to be the best training sim program available.”
“TakeFlight is a vital part of our aviation youth development program at LAC. And their technical team is highly skilled; they bring impressive insights into all aspect of sims and AI sim-based flight instruction. I recommend them highly to anyone looking to transform their aviation or flight training programs.”
“We transformed weekend youth outreach events and flight training at our Sling2 youth build project. After just a few hours of TakeFlight, our young aviator builders are showing real flying skills in the airframe. It is most impressive, and I wouldn’t start a young person in flight training without first mastering skills in TakeFlight Academy.”
“I really enjoy the last challenges at the end of every scenario, it reinforces the relationship between the controls and how they affect the airplane performance (pitch for speed ect.). It’s a great learning tool!”
“I want to let you know this is an amazing training software you are developing!”
“One of my flight students just nailed a perfect crosswind landing in the airplane after using TFI. I can’t believe it was his first attempt in the real plane. A true testament!”
“Thanks for creating a great product! TFI has been absolutely instrumental (pun intended) in making my actual flight time as productive and efficient as possible.”
“The TakeFlight Interactive software allows the user a personal flight lesson-type experience. The students who used the software were captivated and challenged. The software offered positive feedback to students, and timely corrections when the student was not responding. All-in-all, the students enjoyed the experience. As the instructor, I enjoyed the speed of start-up.”
TakeFlight Customers & Partners

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